معهد المستقبل العالي للهندسة والتكنولوجيا

higher future institute for engineering and technology

The  Teacher/Tutor is responsible for verifying the learning progress of the students, both through the tutorials and the meetings in the Virtual Classroom, during which the teacher/tutor asks the students questions about the topics addressed in the videolessons, thus verifying understanding and mastery of the topics to be learned by each student and reporting the assessments in the qualitative assessment sheet of each student.

why choose us

higher future institute for engineering and technolog

The Teacher/Tutor is responsible for verifying the learning progress of the students, both through the tutorials and the meetings in the Virtual Classroom, during which the teacher/tutor asks the students questions about the topics addressed in the videolessons, thus verifying understanding and mastery of the topics to be learned by each student and reporting the assessments in the qualitative assessment sheet of each student.

Gain Valuable Knowledge & Experience

Global Certificate

A fully certificated studying from The Ministry of Higher Education.

Student Support

Students find all support they need from professors with our support forum

Videos & Library

Student find all the materials needed online in it's profile provided by us

Our labs

We have a group of the best laboratories and a team of good and trained faculty members

Our Rooms

We have equipped halls with a high level of quality to raise the quality of education

Future Academy

Future academy

We Are One Of The Largest Academy

Future  Academy is committed to prepare distinguished alumni capable of competition in labor market through developing its educational programs, scientific research and community service

Graduate On Time
Students Skill
Campus Extracurricular
Quality Of Lecturers